ISO 27001 Annex: A.8.2 Information Classification

Essentially, its task is to ensure that data is properly secured, depending on how critical it is to the company.

A.8.2.1 Classification of Information


Information should be classified based on legal requirements, criticality, and vulnerability to unauthorised disclosure.

Implementation Guidance

The classifications and associated information security measures must include regulatory standards that reflect the market’s needs for sharing and restricting information. Similarly, assets other than information can be classified by how the asset stores, processes, handles or protects the information. It would be the responsibility of information asset owners to classify their assets.

It will eventually include standards for classification as well as guidelines for classification analysis. To determine the system’s security level, all information requirements will be evaluated, including confidentiality, integrity, and availability. Access control policy should be aligned with the scheme

The scheme will comply with the access management policy. Each classification level should be given a name that makes sense to its application. The scheme must be consistent throughout the organization to ensure everyone is treating information and related assets the same way, understands the security standards, and applies appropriate security measures.

It is important that classification is part of an organization’s processes and is consistent within it. Depending on the sensitivity and the criticality of assets to the organization, classification results may indicate their importance. Examples include confidentiality, integrity, and availability. The classification findings need to be revised periodically to reflect the changes in relevance, responsiveness, and criticality during their lifecycle.

Other Information– The Classification System offers a short overview for those who deal with knowledge about managing and securing it. To facilitate this, information is organized into groups of similar information and information security procedures are implemented that apply to a particular part or all of that group. With this method, risk assessment can be done on a case-by-case basis as well as the design of individual controls can be avoided.

When the information is released to the general public, for example, the information can no longer be considered sensitive or critical. Considering these factors is crucial, because over-classification may lead to the implementation of unneeded controls resulting in higher costs or under-classification may threaten business objectives.

According to the following, classified information can be classified according to the following four levels:

1. Disclosure of information does not cause harm;
2. The disclosure causes mild humiliation or discomfort in the organization;
3. The disclosure will likely have a significant impact on operations or tactical objectives in the short term.
4. Endangering the survival of an organization has an impact on long-term strategic objectives

Related Questions

1. What is the best way to classify information assets?
2. What are the four levels of ISO 27001 Annex: A.8.2 Information Classification?
3. Who is responsible for the classification of information assets?
4. What should an asset management policy include?
5. What does ISO 27001 Annex: A.8.2 Information Classification mean?


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